(A newsletter of Valley State’College).
V-Smile is a club that particularly serves as the media, communication, and outreach team. It also leads the publication of V-Smile a newsletter of Valley State College.
(Valley State for Society).
VSS is pro-social club dedicated to philanthropic works. The VSS members are all involved in organizing social support events and promoting the importance of individual and corporate responsibilities.
(Valley State Event Management Group)
V-Events is the umbrella club at Valley State. It leads all the clubs, contributes in cross-clubs collaboration and supervise the events organized by different clubs.
(Valley Readers’ Club)
Reading wide varieties of books always helps to shape our intellectual & insightful mind. This club is dedicated in promoting readership and post-reading discussion.

(Valley State’ Cultural Club)
The cultural club at VSC is focused in conducting different activities such as Color- O-Mate, Business Culture Seminar, Singing & Dancing Competition, welcome and farewell program, Role Play Sathi, Fashion Show, Rangoli, Holi Competitoin, Saraswati
Puja, Collage Arts, Mr. & Miss VSC, etc.
(Valley State IT Club)
V-IT orgainzes different IT & computing related programs in college. We want to ensure that our BBA graduates are well trained even in handling and operating fundamental technological softwares and
hardwares. VIT takes lead for this.
(Valley State’ Business Aspirants’ Group)
V-Bag leads & supports on entrepreneur talks, workshops, organizes business idea competition: The V-BAG members usually visit business houses, and helps bringing business in college.
(Valley Research Management Club)
Valley State believes on research-based learning. We encourage research activities, newpapers & journal publications, manage seminars & conferences, etc. V-RMC takes lead on all the above.

V-Smile Feast
is an annual management event that brings the talent from multiple sphere
of society with the specific purposes of networking, inspiration, empowerment,
presentation & celebration. The theme of the event are networking & talent
(Valley State Marketing
Experiment Project)
V-MEP is a wonderful project organized at VSC by BBA students. The students have been conducting this project with the objectives of exploring market, integrating business skills, through leadership, communication,marketing,
human resource management and accounting and financial plan. This project offers an entreprenerial mindset in students. The themes of this event are sales, exposure, presentation &
(Valley State Talk Program)
V-Talk is an interactive knowledge sharing platform initiated by VSC, BBA Students. This program shall continue in MBA level too with standardization in both quality and contents. The program is conducted in a seminar format where the invited key note speakers will present their practical, theoretical and relevant knowledge, which shall be appropriate to the present
Nepali scenario. We believe V-Talk will help in generating, disseminating and sharing knowledge to our students.
(Valley State Corporate Apprenticeship)
VSC’s Corporate apprenticeship is mandatory for both undergraduate and graduate students. We motivate students to collect experiences from cultured corporate houses and get inspired to start a business venture. We expect that the start-up moves ahead professionally. The last semester / trimester students lead this project.
(Valley State Talk Program)
Valley State Entrepreneurship Project is
formerly known as Packet of Celebration (POC). POC is a highly successful entre-
preneurship project carried out by V-BAG members. The sole objective of POC is to bring smiles to people through a very unique celebration. POC is already in market as business project.
Valley State College organizes various corporate visits, excursions, and exposure meetings, providing students with opportunities to participate in numerous national and international conferences, training sessions, seminars, workshops, and festivals)